If you want to remove unsightly deposits and stains from your shower head try this: take a small, hole-free plastic bag and in it mix 1 cup of tap water with 1 cup of vinegar. Place the shower head in the solution, tie up the bag and leave overnight. In the morning your shower head should be clean and gleaming!
Avoid using your toilet as a waste bin. Flushing anything but toilet paper down the loo (which is designed to break up very quickly) may cause a blockage. Tissues are a prime example of something which will quickly cause a blockage. Put a waste bin in the bathroom to avoid this!
If you’re getting annoying hammering noises, bangs and thuds when you turn the water taps on and off? This can be stopped by installing shock absorbers to the pipes.
To avoid a build-up of mildew in your new wet room, use a squeegee after your shower to pull any excess water into the shower tray. This allows your bathroom to dry quickly and keep it fresh and clean! You could even finish this off by giving the floor a quick wipe with a cloth to dry it off even quicker. Using a daily shower spray is also a good way to help prevent a build up of mildew.
If your shower is draining slowly (or not at all), then it’s probably clogged. This is usually caused by a build up of hair and soapy residue in the drainpipe, preventing the water to flow through easily. A cheap and easy way to solve this is to pour a handful of bicarbonate of soda, together with half a cup of vinegar, and leave for half an hour or so. Follow this up with pouring boiler water down the drain to flush it through. Your drain should hopefully now be free-flowing!
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