Bleeding a radiator is the process of letting out any air or gas that has become trapped inside. This is something that usually needs to be done around once a year, before the colder weather sets in, to ensure your heating system is in good working order.
Many people first notice that their radiators need to be bled when they stop heating up properly and don’t provide their house usual level of warmth. This has a roll-on effect on how energy-efficient a heating system is as although it is turned on, it won’t be heating up as it should.
To find out which radiators need to be bled you will need to turn on your central heating system on and wait for the radiators to warm up. Each radiator will then need to be checked individually to see which ones have not heated up properly. (Do be careful though as they can get hot!)
Cool spots are usually most noticeable at the top of the radiator, so if your radiator feels warmer at the bottom than at the top, it is almost a sure sign that the radiator will need to be bled.
Before bleeding a radiator, your heating system should be turned off as well as given a chance to cool down. The bleeding then is done by using a radiator key to unscrew the valve at the top end of the radiator to let out any access air – there may be a slight hissing sound as the air is released. A cloth is then used to stop any water from dripping onto the radiator, should it leak whilst it is being bled.
Once all the gas has escaped, liquid will come out and the valve will need to be closed and re-tightened.
When using your heating again, all your radiators should be functioning properly and your home should feel nice and warm.
If you have any concerns about bleeding your radiators, give us a call and we’ll help get your central heating system working safely and efficiently.
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